Brody Bear Goes Fishing (Paperback)

Brody Bear Goes Fishing (Paperback)
All bears need to learn how to do bear stuff, even Brody. Brody Bear loves fish, and Momma is finally going to teach him how to catch them! Even though Momma makes fishing look easy, it turns out to be quite hard for Brody, and he doesn’t quite get it right the first few times he tries. Will Brody become discouraged and give up, or will he be able to follow in Momma’s footsteps with the encouragement of Blue Bird and Wise Owl?
Join Brody and Momma Bear on their quest to catch fish, and help your little one learn about perseverance and never giving up, all while learning a new language! Available in dual languages! English+Spanish, English+Chinese, and English only. You can choose your language below.
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